The Details tab is where find basic information about the account is displayed. Depending on your configuration, the following sections will be available: * Active Policies * People (such dependents or contacts) * Addresses * Custom fields

Active Policies

All active policies associated to the account are listed in the Active Policies section. Clicking on a policy will navigate to the Policies tab with that policy highlighted.

See Policies for more information.


People associated to the account can be added, edited, and viewed in this section. For individually insured clients, a Personal Account is created and the insured themselves, along with any dependents, are represented as People on the Personal Account.

One person can be indicated as the primary on the account. This person's information will be the default in various placed in the application such as when creating new emails against the account.

To add a person, click the + sign. The type of people added to this section depends on the Account Type: * Business Accounts (commercial lines) - People associated to Business Accounts could be the primary person associated to the account as well as other key business members. * Personal Accounts (personal lines or group insurance enrollees) - People associated to Personal Accounts could be an insured individual or dependents. * Group Accounts (group insurance) - People associated to Group Accounts could be various points of contact within that organization.

To edit a person, select them then click the pencil icon or edit data in-line (if configured).

The fields and field displays for people are fully configurable. See Field Displays to learn how to configure the visible fields in this section.


Addresses associated to the account can be added, edited, and viewed in this section. US addresses can be validated with the US Postal Service by clicking the circled checkmark. This ensures that addresses are real and properly spelled.

Account Field Displays

Any custom Account Field Displays that are not associated to a specific tab (aka Custom Form) will show up on the Details page, each in their own card.

For more information see Field Displays.

Related: * Custom Fields * Field Displays