Field Displays allow administrators to control which fields are displayed on which pages and where they are located. Both standard Surefyre fields and customer defined custom fields can be added to a field display. Defining custom fields and field displays allow you to control what data is tracked in your Surefyre system and where users enter / view that data.

Video Tutorial

Create a new field display:

  1. Click Setup (gear) > Admin > Field Displays

  2. Click + Add Field Display

  3. Enter basic required info about your field display:

  4. Name - Unique name to reference this field display later

  5. Content Type - Defined where in the Surefyre system this field display will be visible.

    • Account - Visible on all accounts (Business Accounts, Personal Accounts, and Carriers)
    • Business Account - Visible only on Business Accounts
    • Personal Account - Visible only on Personal Accounts
    • Group Account - Visible only on Group Accounts
    • Carrier - Visible only Carriers
    • Policy - Visible only on Policies
    • Person - Visible only when viewing People such as insured and dependents
    • Business Contact - Visible only when viewing Business Contact accounts
  6. Tab - Leave blank unless the field display should be accessible as a Custom Form

  7. Click Save and Continue Editing to be taken to the Field Display Edit Screen

  8. Click Add Group to add one or more groups to your display. Add fields, headers, dependent details, and/or horizontal lines to the field display by dragging and dropping them into groups on the field display. Individual fields can be quickly found using the search box. All items in the field display can be rearranged as needed by dragging and dropping.


  1. Click Save

You can see the field display in use by navigating to a record of the appropriate content type (Business Account, Personal Account, Group Account, Carrier, Person, or Business Contact). The fields on the account page or tab will be displayed as they've been configured.

Related: * Custom Fields * Custom Forms