Surefyre Tasks are a great way to keep track off all your to-do items and make sure important activities don't call through the cracks.

There are three primary places to access tasks: * Home Page widget - See a quick summary of your tasks * Tasks Tab - See and filter all tasks in your system * Account Header - See tasks on a specific account

Receive Daily Task Summary

You can receive a daily summary email of all your due and overdue tasks:

  1. Click Setup (geat) > Settings

  2. Check Receive task summary

Tasks Tab

Access the Tasks tab from the Navigation Bar. Tasks for specific accounts can also be found on the Account screen.

The Tasks tab gives users access to all Tasks in one place, regardless of user or Account. The full list of Tasks can be filtered based on: * Priority * Assigned To * Due Date * Assigned to Me * Incomplete

Account Header Tasks Popup

Tasks associated to a particular Account are always available via the Tasks button in the Account Header. When clicked, a popup will appear which looks similar to the Upcoming Tasks panel on the Home Page. Here you can view, create, and delete tasks for the account. Tasks created here will also show up in the Tasks tab and your Surefyre calendar.
