To start setting up your Surefyre system to cater to your businesses needs there are two main steps to setup policies.

Policy Templates

Surefyre allows you to put in any policies that you need depending on what products you sell. These are called policy templates. To add or edit policy templates:

  1. Click Setup (gear) > Admin > Policy Templates.
  2. Either select an existing policy template or click Add Policy Template.

You can enter any name of the type of products or policies that you sell. This name will appear when you add a new policy to an account, and what you will see in reports.

If you are using workflows for Policies, you can assign a workflow to a Policy Template by clicking Advanced Options and selecting from the Workflow dropdown.


The first step is to put in the carriers that you do business with. Get started by going into the admin screen by clicking the gear icon -> admin. This must be done by a user with staff level permissions.

Find the section describing products and select "carriers":

From here you can either edit your current carriers or add a new one by selecting add carrier [[]] upper right.

You will be presented this form:

The only required field is the first "Display Name" which is the name that will show up when pulling reports or viewing policies in Surefyre. If you are using Surefyre to track commissions then you will also want to fill out the commission percentage that your agency receives from this carrier.

All other carrier data can be useful to keep in the system if you would like to generate documents that requires carrier info like address or NAIC number.


If there are certain variants of products that are specific to a carrier and a policy template you can add those variations as Plans in the carrier form. You will see a section called "Plans" at the bottom of the carrier form.

To add a Plan, click "Add another Plan" to see this menu. You can select which policy template each Plan is associated with or leave it blank to allow it for all policy templates for this carrier. You can add as many as you need by continuing to press "Add another Plan". Make sure to save the carrier when you are finished.

Policy Status

You can control the Status options available for your policies as well as their color.

  1. Click Setup (gear) > Admin > Policy Statuses.
  2. Click Add Policy Status.
  3. Save

Policy Statuses can be set using the Status field on a Policy.