
This section explains how to do the following: * Send emails from Surefyre
* Add accounts to marketing campaigns

Send emails

Access the Email tab in the left side bar when viewing an Account. This is where you can send one time or recurring emails to the Account. You can choose to write an email from scratch or start with a predefined Email Template.

Video Tutorial: Sending Emails
Video Tutorial: Sending Mass Emails with Attachments

New Email tab fields and their functions:

Surefyre has powerful yet easy to use email tools including: * Dynamic Email Templates * Email Status Tracking * Unsubscribe links * File and document attachments * Recurring and Scheduled Emails * Email campaigns * Gmail integration

Dynamic Email Templates

With Surefyre you can create emails with placeholders that will pull information from the system when it’s time to send. This means one Email Template can be used for any account while still being personalized and including relevant data specific to that account and policy. For example:

Template: Policy documents for #lead.bus_name# are attached.

Sent email: Policy documents for Hammond & Miller Construction Inc. are attached.

If this looks confusing, don’t worry, anyone can easily create and edit Email Templates. Check out the Creating and Editing Email Templates section to quickly learn.

Email Status Tracking

Surefyre can track emails statuses such as when an email was actually delivered and when it was opened. To see this information, click on the Sent tab then select a sent email from the list. All logged activities such as Delivered, Opened, or Failed and the time at which they occurred are displayed above the message.

Note that tracking email opens is not currently available with Gmail integration.

Failed Emails
Emails can fail to send for many reasons. If an attempted email has failed to send, you can see the reason in the Sent tab. Click on a failed email in the list. The status of Failed with a reason in parentheses will be displayed above the message.

Unsubscribe Links

For marketing campaigns, it’s important to allow recipients to unsubscribe if they don’t want continue receiving emails. Inserting Unsubscribe links is simple. In the Email Body text editor, click the Insert Link icon (chain), then the Choose Link icon (magnifying glass), then click Unsubscribe.

When an email recipient clicks an Unsubscribe link, Surefyre Email will not longer send them emails. Any future attempts to email them will fail, which will be indicated in the Sent tab.

File and Document Attachments

Multiple attachments can be quickly added to emails. You can select from all DocGen generated documents as well as files that have been attached to the account. Simply multi-select the documents or attachments from their respective sections on the email tab. All highlighted items will be attached to the email once it's sent.

Recurring and Scheduled Emails

Emails can be automatically sent multiple times and/or sent at a later date. The fields to define Recurring Settings can be shown or hidden with the "Modify Recurring Settings" button.


Add accounts to email campaigns

Once an email campaign has been defined by an administrator, end users can easily add accounts to those campaigns and track performance such as delivery and open rates.

There are two ways to add accounts to email marketing campaigns: * Add a single account to an email campaign * Mass add accounts to an email campaign

Add a single account to an email campaign

  1. Navigate to an account then click the Email Tab in the side bar.

  2. Click the Campaigns tab.

  3. Click Add Account to Campaign.

  1. Select a campaign.

  1. Click Add to campaign

  2. The account will now receive personalized emails in the order and frequency defined by the campaign. The campaign will also be added to the list of active campaigns for that account in the Campaigns tab.

Mass add accounts to a an email campaign

  1. Navigate to the Report Builder and select a saved report or create a new one. See Report Builder for instruction.

  2. Click Email to select a campaign

  1. Select a campaign

  2. Optionally, you can schedule this campaign to begin for these accounts at the selected Start Time. Leave this blank to begin the campaign immediately.

  3. Click Start Campaign to start the campaign immediately or schedule it to start at the selected Start Time


Related: * How to: Reschedule an Email * Google Integration * Create and Edit Email Campaigns * Report Builder