Surefyre Applications is a simple but powerful tool that allows you to accept application submissions from agents or external users and convert them to new business. Applications can be guided through a workflow to ensure that the relevant teams or users can easily take necessary actions at each workflow state.

With Surefyre Applications you can: * Create custom Application Templates for different lines of business * Create new versions of existing applications * Allow submissions internally or from a publicly facing web form * Define workflows with automation such as email alerts and task assignment at each workflow state * Define access levels of each user / group at each workflow state * Translate application data to new policies and record updates

Using Applications

The Applications Tab

Once permissions have been granted to Applications, you can access them in the Applications tab in the left side bar of an account.

The Applications tab will show a list of all applications against the account, their status, and some other key information. Click any application in the list to access the full application, tasks, comments, and activity history.


Creating new Applications

To create a new application when logged into Surefyre:

  1. Navigate to the applications tab of the desired account

  2. Click the "+" button and select the desired Application Template

  3. Click Save

This will create a new application using the latest live version of the selected Application Template. The application's assigned workflow will determine any initial automated actions that will be performed as well as the initial workflow state the the application will be in.