This section explains the following:

Report Builder Overview

The Report Builder is a powerful and customizable tool that allows you to create filtered lists of accounts, people, policies, and commission records. You can use reports to execute various actions such as emailing, downloading, or making call lists. Depending on the type of insurance you sell, these are some common use cases of the Surefyre Report Builder:

  • Find all policies with renewals coming up next month so you can get in touch with those accounts
  • Find all people who have a birthday next month and mass email happy birthday notes
  • Find all accounts in a specific zip code for planning on-site visits
  • Create and download census reports to send to carriers for quotes or enrollments
  • Build a call list of all open leads
  • Segment leads and add them to email drip marketing campaigns
  • and many more...

Access the Report Builder tab anytime from the Navigation Bar.


Report Content Types

The Report Content Type describes what you're reporting on. In other words, it defines what each row of the report represents. Here are the possible content types:

  • Account - Account reports can return any type of account (Business, Personal, Group, etc.). An example is a lead or client list.
  • Person - Person reports return information about individual people in the system such as insured and dependents. An example is a list of all people (insured, dependents, etc.) that have a birthday this month and should receive happy birthday emails or letters.
  • Policy - Policy reports return information about policies. An example is a report showing all policies that have renewals next month.
  • Commission - Commission reports give users more granular control of which commission records they are viewing or downloading (compared to the Commissions section).

The content type is always indicated underneath the report name:


When creating new reports, be sure to start with the content type that makes sense for the type of data you want to see.

Running Saved Reports

To run an existing report simply click the Saved Reports tab in the left column then select the desired report from the list to run it.


Creating / Editing Reports

1. Start with an existing report
Whether creating a new report or editing an existing one, you must start by running a saved report. Basic reports such as All Accounts, All Policies, etc. are available by default and are a good starting point for their respective content types.

For example, if you'd like to create a report of people who are turning 65 next quarter, start with the default All People report and filter it down to just people whose birthdays fall in that date range.

2. Edit filters
Once you have selected a saved report as a starting point, edit the report filters to exclude records that you don't want.

In our above birthday example, this would be the step where you would add Date of Birth field as a filter and set the desired date range. Any people with birthdays outside the filter range will not show up in the report.

3. Edit columns
Next, edit the report columns to see the desired fields in each row. You can add/remove, relocate, and rename columns.

Again in the above birthday example, you could add the Email field as a column to ensure that each person in the report has an email address before sending off a mass email. You could also reposition columns and rename column headers to ensure data is ordered and named appropriately.

4. Save changes
Finally, save your changes to the current report by clicking Save. It's important to save often to ensure your changes are not lost. Note that you can only Save a report that you created. If you want to save changes to a report you did not create or want to save your changes as a new report, click Save As.

Clicking Save As creates a new report with all your current filter and column configurations. You can indicate a name and whether or not it's public. Public Reports can be seen by any user in your Surefyre instance that has access to the report builder. Note that default reports cannot be overwritten, so Save is not an option, only Save As.

Report Filters

Use filters to ensure only the records you want to see are in your report. When you select the Filters tab in the left column you will see a list of all filters selected for the current report. Filters with no value have no affect on the report.

In the example below we are filter an account report to only show leads for a specific user: Zoom

To add filters click the + Add Field button below the existing filter fields. The field selection popup will appear with a list of all content type fields available for selection. See Adding Filter / Column Fields for a guide to selecting filter fields. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking Save or Save As.

Report Columns

Edit report columns to see all the desired data about the records in your report and remove unnecessary data.

To add columns click the + Add Column button in the view options of the report results window. The field selection popup will appear with a list of all content type fields available for selection. See Adding Filter / Column Fields for a guide to selecting column fields.

To reposition or rename columns (usually to prepare the data for import into a 3rd party system), click the pencil icon in the view options of report results window. This will enable edit mode. While in edit mode you can reposition columns by dragging and drop and rename them by clicking the column header title and entering a new value. When you're finished click Done Editing. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking Save or Save As.

Adding Filter / Column Fields

When adding filter or column fields you will be presented with a popup where you can quickly search and add multiple fields. When you've found the field you want simply click it and a confirmation will appear that it's been added.

You can add fields from related content types. In the example of an account report, you can add account fields from addresses and/or people associated to that account.

Removing Filter / Column Fields

To remove filter or column fields, click the pencil icon in the view options of the report results window. This will enable edit mode. While in edit mode you can click the delete / trash icon next to any column or filter field to remove it.

Pinning Reports

You can pin reports to your Home Page Dashboard for quick reference. For example, if you create a report of all accounts that need a follow up, you can see that report at a glance each time you sign in to Surefyre.

To pin a saved report to your own dashboard, click the star icon next to the report name in the left column. Pinned reports will display at the top of the Saved Reports list.

To pin a saved report to another user's dashboard or for an entire group (if permissions allow), click the Group icon next to the report name in the left column. A popup will appear allowing you to pin the report to multiple groups and/or users.

Downloading Reports

Click the Download button in the left column to download the current report as a csv file. These files can be used for any number of external processes including upload into 3rd party systems.

Bulk Update

Some fields can be bulk updated for all records in a report. Users with the correct permissions can perform a bulk update by: 1. Run report. All records that meet the report filter criteria will be updated, not just the records on the current page of the report.

  1. Initiate bulk update. Click the double bulk update icon (double forward arrow) in the header of the column that you want to update. Zoom

  2. Input new value. A popup will allow you to input or select a new value depending on the field type of the column (text, dropdown, date, etc.).

The report will automatically refresh and the updated values will be displayed in the returned results.


Bulk update can save an incredible amount of time and energy when fixing, updating, or adding new data to many records at the same time. To ensure data integrity, it's recommended that this feature is only enabled for administrators or trained users. Contact your Surefyre representative to enable bulk updates.

Mass Email

See mass add accounts to an email campaign

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