Navigating around Surefyre is easy. Nearly all features are accessible from one of the following places:

1. Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar is the primary navigation tool in Surefyre. It's located at the top of each page and is always available regardless of where you are in the application. It provides the following functions:

  • Navigating to different areas of the application
  • Searching for Accounts
  • Creating new Accounts, People, or Data Imports
  • Accessing the Site Administration Page

2. Account Screen

Navigate to an Account from the Recently Viewed widget on the Home Page dashboard, Search, Reports, or any other hyperlink within or outside the system that points to the account's URL.

Many major Surefyre features such as the DocGen, Policies, and Email are used in the context of a specific Account. Thus, these features are available from the Account screen.

Section 2. Accounts explains how to access and use all the tab on the Account Screen. Section 3. Administration & Setup explains how to configure various areas of the Account screen.

Related: * Custom Fields * Field Displays