System generated email notifications can be customized to address things like unique business needs, compliance restrictions, and branding. Merge Fields which dynamically pull in relevant data such as task assignee, comment text, etc. are supported. To make changes to the out-of-the-box email templates please get in touch with your Surefyre services representative.

List of Editable Notification Templates

Notification Template Description Recipient Available Merge Fields
Activity Log Task Created Indicates that a task has been created on an application or account. Account follower - Title
- Name of creator
- Name of assignee
- Due date and time
- Priority
- Note
- Site domain name
- Relative URL (use with domain to reconstruct full URL)
Activity Log Comment Posted Indicates that a comment has been posted on an application or account. Account follower - Name of poster
- Email of poster
- Comment text
- Site domain name
- Relative URL (use with domain to reconstruct full URL)
Task Creation Indicates that the recipient has been assigned a task in an application or account. Task assignee - Title
- Name of creator
- Due date and time
- Priority
- Note
- Site domain name
- Relative URL to account (use with domain to reconstruct full URL)
Application Comment Tag Indicates that recipient has been tagged in a comment on an application Tagged user - Name of poster
- Email of poster
- Comment text
- Site domain name
- Relative URL (use with domain to reconstruct full URL)
- Account Name
- Application Name
Account Comment Tag Indicates that the recipient has been tagged in a comment on an account Tagged user - Name of poster
- Email of poster
- Comment text
- Site domain name
- Relative URL (use with domain to reconstruct full URL)

Related: * Comments * Tasks