Custom fields in Surefyre are an important feature that allows you to track any unique data they need against businesses, people, policies, or carriers. Custom fields play a key role throughout the application. For example, the DocGen pulls values from fields in order to populate forms. Defining what custom fields you will need and where they will be shown should be considered carefully in the context of your business processes.

Video Tutorial

Create a New Custom Field

  1. Click Setup (gear) > Admin > Custom Fields

  2. Click + Add Custom Field

  1. Define the custom field attributes (see below)

Label - The name of the field as you will see it in your system.

Content Type - Indicates that the field belongs on the Account (Business or Personal), Person (a person associated to an account), Policy, or Carrier.

Field Type - Indicates the field type. Supported field types: * Text * Large Text Field * Integer (whole number) * Decimal * Boolean (Yes/No) * Dropdown Choices * Date * Date Time * Phone Number * Currency

Default Value - Set a default value for this field when a new record is created.

Is Required - Require a value in this field in order to save the record.

Help Text - Display text to help the user understand what data belongs in this field.

Field Choices - Define the dropdown values available for selection. Only applies to Dropdown Choices field type. Choices should be separated by semicolon, example: Choice 1;Choice 2;Choice 3

Include Currency Symbol - Display a currency symbol next to the field value. Only applies to Currency field type.

  1. Click Save

Related: * Field Displays * Custom Forms